Fast-Boot CV Boot

Follow the manufacturer’s repair manual to remove the drive axle.  Typically the wheel and hub are removed. The knuckle is separated from the lower suspension arm and then the knuckle and brake plate are separated from the axle.  Check the axle for excessive wear and replace as necessary. Cut off damaged boot and clamps. Clean the CV joint and allow too dry.

1) After packing joint with provided grease, stretch the boot over the CV joint until a tight fit is formed.

2) Release trapped air with a screwdriver.

3) Install clamp at large end of boot in the original location.  A banding tool should be used to properly tension the clamp.

4) Install clamp at small end of boot so the boot is at its natural length.

5) On CV joint where the large end clamp is positioned as shown on clamping surface, NO CUTTING IS REQUIRED.

6) On CV joints where the large end clamp is positioned as show on clamping surface, CUTTING IS REQUIRED.

7) Cut off excess material with a sharp knife if needed.

8) Remove excess material.


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